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I love watching movies, especially horror movies. I am not only obsessed in the stunning visual effects, but also the culture and symbolic meaning. Keep updating...stay tuned!



30.08.2021 About rabbits

最近在練習兔仔的素描,講起兔仔,諗起之前睇 “US” (Jordan Peele, 2019),一開始係電影片頭就有幾分鐘的兔仔鏡頭,首先特寫兔仔的眼睛,然後逐漸拉遠到整面牆嘅兔籠。兔仔本來的象徵意義係人類做實驗的首選,例如測試用喺人類皮膚上的化妝品,將其搽在兔仔的眼睛上,睇吓有無發炎或過敏等現象。放喺電影入面,佢地除咗係複製人的食物,亦表示「實驗品」甘的複製人一樣,無法逃離自身卑微的地位和價值。另外同時用左「復活兔」的意味,象徵住喺地底人「復活」上到地面。

除咗兔仔,電影海報展示左一把金色剪刀,而兔子分岔的耳朵,都係一種二元性的象徵代表。Jordan Peele講過,”the Scissors have many sorts of thematic levels as I try to do with everything. But they are an object of great duality. This movie is about the duality of humankind.” “US” 正正就係一部闡述人類善、惡二元性的電影。兔仔的耳朵外形就好似剪刀。「剪刀」早喺古埃及時期就有出現,除左日常用嚟剪頭髮和布料以外,都象徵能剪去影子的一個神器,係以前巫師作法時會使用的道具之一,而電影中的複製人就好似人類的影子一樣,佢哋要將自己同本體做切割,甚至係取代對方,將自己扶正成為本體。

© 2023 by Cyris Pui Ki, LO    Tel: +852 98270261   

Based in Hong Kong     


14.09.2020 Antebellum

Watched “Antebellum” , which is an American psychological horror thriller film based on the American Civil War in 1861. The film is directed by Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz. Would like to record what inspired me in the movie.

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” 

William Faulkner

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